VLM Run x n8n.


The VLM Run plugin for n8n empowers developers to harness advanced Visual AI capabilities within their automated workflows. This integration allows for effortless processing of image and video data, enabling sophisticated visual analysis tasks to be seamlessly incorporated into enterprise automation pipelines.

Key Features

  • Visual AI Processing: Leverage state-of-the-art computer vision models for image and video analysis.
  • Flexible API Integration: Easily incorporate VLM Run’s Visual AI endpoints into n8n workflows.
  • Custom Model Support: Use your own fine-tuned models or our pre-trained ones for specific visual tasks.
  • Scalable Processing: Handle large volumes of visual data efficiently within your workflows.

Use Cases

  1. Content Moderation: Automatically flag inappropriate images or videos in user-generated content.
  2. Visual Quality Control: Analyze product images for defects or inconsistencies in manufacturing processes.
  3. Document Processing: Extract text and data from scanned documents, receipts, or business cards.
  4. Brand Monitoring: Detect logo usage and brand presence in social media images and videos.

Getting Started

  1. Install the VLM Run node in your n8n instance.
  2. Configure the node with your VLM Run API credentials.
  3. Add the VLM Run node to your workflow and connect it to other nodes.
  4. Select the desired Visual AI endpoint and configure input/output parameters.

Example Workflow

Reach out to support@vlm.run if you’d like early-access to the VLM Run plugin for n8n.

An example workflow with VLM Run and n8n.