type Plot {
type: String, // Type of plot, e.g. 'line', 'bar', 'scatter'
title: String, // Title of the plot
description: String, // Description of the plot
type Table {
description: String, // Description of the table
title: String, // Title of the table
caption: String, // Caption of the table
markdown: String, // Markdown representation of the table
type Markdown {
caption: String, // Caption of the markdown content
title: String, // Title of the markdown content
markdown: String, // Additional markdown content
type Speaker {
title: String, // Title of the speaker
is_name_shown: Boolean, // Whether the name of the speaker is shown
type Reporter {
title: String, // Title of the reporter
is_name_shown: Boolean, // Whether the name of the reporter is shown
type Quote {
text: String, // Text of the quote
speaker: String, // Speaker of the quote
designation: String, // Designation of the speaker
type TvNewsScene {
description: String, // Description of the scene
chyron: String, // Chyron text
plots: [Plot], // Plots embedded in the scene
tables: [Table], // Tables embedded in the scene
reporters: [Reporter], // Report embedded in the scene
speakers: [Speaker], // Speakers embedded in the scene
quotes: [Quote], // Quotes embedded in the scene
others: [Markdown], // Other markdown content on the scene